The EFFORTS Project in brief
Embracing a practice driven approach, a consortium of experts in international procedural law will analyse the existing legislation and case-law of the 7 targeted Member States (Belgium, Croatia, France, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg), promote the exchange of practices among operators (at 7 seminars) and collect good practices, with regards to the interaction of EU Regulations on circulation of judicial decisions and national legislation.
The consortium will: pursue clarity by means of 7 Practice Guides on cross-border recovery of claims in the targeted Member States – contribute to the improvement of existing EU and national legislation by drafting Policy recommendations for national and EU policymakers – setting up the EFFORTS Network and a Working Group on the digitalization of enforcement procedures.
About the Project: national exchange seminars
September 14th marks the beginning of our cycle of National exchange seminars, that will be concluded on November 8th by the Croatian exchange seminar. The first Member States to be addressed were France and Luxembourg, in the National exchange seminar hosted by the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg. Then the other targeted Member States: Belgium, Croatia, Germany, Italy and Lithuania. You can find all the informations on the Events page of our website. The National exchange seminars are a crucial Milestone of the EFFORTS Project in order to ascertain current targeted MSs’ practice concerning the application of the EFFORTS Regulations.
News on international and comparative civil procedural law
1. Journal and reviews
- Revue Critique de Droit International Privé (3/2021)
- Rivista di Diritto Internazionale Privato e Processuale (3/2021) – Summary
2. Publications
- Maria Laura, Guarnieri, Processo civile italiano e titoli esecutivi europei, Pacini Giuridica, Catanzaro, 2021:
3. News
- Multiple requests for provisional measures before the courts of different Member States, both having jurisdiction as to the substance of the matter – Article 35 Reg. (EU) No. 1215/2012 – Ruling of the CJEU, 6 October 2021, C‑581/20, Skarb Państwa v. TOTO SpA – Costruzioni Generali, Vianini Lavori SpA:
- Decision of the French Supreme Court on civil and criminal matters (Cour de cassation) on res judicata regarding foreign decisions:
4. Presentation of the CLUE project (“Connaître la législation de l’Union européenne”)
JUST-JCOO-EJN-AG-2018-831377- CLUE
JUST-JCOO-AG-2020-101007402-CLUE II
Funded by the Justice programme, the CLUE project aims to promote the European Judicial Network (EJN) in civil and commercial matters in France. Through this project, the French Ministry of Justice encourages the involvement of judges, lawyers, notaries and bailiffs in the network, offering mutual learning and capacity-building seminars, exchanges of good practice on working methods and problem solving, and accessible and sustainable information.
For two years (2019-2020), the CLUE project has enhanced the visibility of the judicial cooperation and EU law tools (through the dissemination of a monthly newsletter, a network video and a dedicated webpage on the Ministry’s intranet). It has also promoted the exchange of best practices between legal practitioners (through training seminars on private international family law and a practical guide for the magistrates).
Since February 2021, the CLUE project continues and progresses with the “CLUE II” project. This new project builds on the same line of work, with additional ambitions (more seminars, more topics, more tools for disseminating EU law) and with the willingness to share best practices with other national networks. Among the activities of the CLUE II project, a dedicated area on the Ministry’s website, a new video presentation of the network, a series of podcasts and guides for lawyers and notaries are proposed. A number of events are also planned such as: seminars in family matters as well as in civil and commercial matters, annual meetings for the members of the network and a large event to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the EJN-civil organised during the French Presidency of the EU.
For more information, please contact: