The second Report for the Collection of national implementing rules is out: Collection of Croatian implementing rules!
Croatia is the last Member State to join the EU in 2013, in a time in which most of the regulations covered by the EFFORTS Project were supposed to be already implemented (with the exception of the EAPO Regulation).
The Zagreb University EFFORTS Team goes over the implementation of the covered regulations: “There is no uniform and comprehensive act containing implementation rules regarding European regulations. Rather, the implementing rules are simply attached to the national procedural statute which is closest to a particular field. If the regulation established procedural rules for (small) litigation proceedings, implementing rules are generally contained in the act regulating civil litigation; if the regulation deals with enforcement, the rules are in the act that deals with enforcement; if the regulation deals with conflict of laws, the implementation is incorporated into the applicable act on international private law. In the end, all regulations covered by EFFORTS project are covered, directly or indirectly”.
For the collection of the implementing rules with the overall assessment of the Zagreb University EFFORTS Team read the Report on the Collection of Croatian implementing rules here.